Friday, June 18, 2010

Beautiful Belles

Where would I be without my sisters? Life throws us all curve balls and to mange them well we need good support networks in place. My faith is uppermost in where I turn when life is hard. I know that I would not do life well without the grace and enabling that I receive from my Father, God. I am very grateful to him for the gift of my most wonderful family, beginning with my husband and children. Then of course there is my sisters, ah my sisters. Without them to love me, to listen to me, to challenge and sometimes berate me I would be bereft. Who else in life would know that I would love a delicate pink china heart for christmas, would make me smile everytime I wore a pair of coral red earrings, would give up a week of their holiday to help me pack up a childs home after a marriage had failed or look after me with tender care when a husband was ill ? Would cry with me , would laugh with me (not always an easy thing), have faith in my efforts in the face of many failings, would get really mad at me, sometimes misunderstand me and yet still come back for more. So here's to my sisters....... I love you both so well .

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A computer mouse is a helpful gadjet :)

I would like to announce to all and sundry that I worked out how to post photos to my blog. This is no small feat for me. Wow it was hard to stop at three. This is the computer age and I am as determined to embrace it, as I am my grey hair. I know, I know, I am a slow starter. My mother has been a computer whizz for years and my grandson can teach me heaps. However I have great faith in my self, next time my computer says press start I will use my mouse to click on it rather than wasting futile minutes pressing the screen with my finger (no I dont have a touch screen and yes someone did have to tell me it wouldnt work).

Joyful Jacob

Katie's turn to read

Monday, June 14, 2010

Going Grey on My Terms

Recently I decided to ditch my hair color and turn a natural shade of grey. Apparently 55 is way too young to consider this massive change. My closest friend is horrified and said that I was gaining the appearance of one who was not concerned about how she looked. My friend the hairdresser was quick to tell me that I am blessed to have blue eyes because any other color clashed terribly with grey. These comments have caused me a degree of concern especially when my grandchild said to me "grandma Im not sure grey hair is going to work for you, I think you are going to look like a very old young person!" What to do? I am not by nature one who 'bucks' the system however I am nonplussed about all the attention this minor issue has brought me. Who would have thought that it would be the issue of 'going grey' that would motivate me to stand firm on my rights as an independant free thinking women. I was not born early enough to join the battle for 'votes for women', I was a little young and far too conservative to 'burn the bra' (although I enjoyed the freedom of not wearing one) but by jove I will go GREY on my terms :)